Monday, December 2, 2013

That the objectives of the Sultans download have away from reality, the only sigouro.Allos One reas

Hürriyet: What if the Patriarch was an American; | Strategy Reports
No. of Turkish journalists characterizes paranoid attitude Erdogan for reciprocity with the issues of Greece Ecumenical Patriarchate. download Turkey continues reactions-positive and negative-in the decision of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan download to link the reopening of the Halki Seminary to change the status of the Muslim minority of Western Thrace. Mustafa Akgkioul, chief cleric of the historical Sultanahmet mosque, expressed download "satisfaction" to the statements by the Turkish Prime Minister and took the opportunity download to go further: He asked attributed to Muslims and becoming again a mosque Hagia Sophia. Addressing the faithful who had invaded the mosque said: "The mosque Sultanahmet reached crowded when our society lacks the Hagia Sophia. The Hagia Sophia should be allowed to function as a mosque. " And said: "I raise my voice and the voice of our society to accept our request." Commentators and columnists continue their criticism to Mr Erdogan especially for 'reciprocity', which set the condition for the operation of the Halki Seminary. "A Madness" featuring the well-known pro-government Zaman columnist Yavuz Baintar, who considers excuse not to go the full approach Turkey - Greece, which was also judge the attitude of pretense.
The Burak Bekntil in Hurriyet, ironic in tone, criticizing Erdogan download for his ideas on "Turkish minority and the universality of the Patriarchate" and asks him what he would do "if the Patriarch was American? '" Makes a big mistake by the Prime Minister to raises a question of reciprocity when talking about legal rights of non-Turkish citizens of Turkish origin, "writes Mr. Bekntil and continues:" To ask the Greek reciprocity is as absurd as asking for reciprocal rights of the Turkish minority download eg in Serbia or in a fully orthodox country before recognize the Ecumenical Patriarch as Ecumenical Patriarch. What would happen if the Patriarch was a Turkish download citizen of American origin? "'And he concludes:" Mr. Erdogan called on Washington to improve the rights of the Turkish download minority in the U.S. before he recognize them? "
For anyone who is interested to read the article by Yavuz Baintar, the address is the following: Under the Rule, which generally tries to attach greater importance to decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, that Articles of the Treaty download of Lausanne, (after it pays now Turkey, which meanwhile has set aside the GREEK minority) following comment some Greeks, that puts things in position.
No need to see the article separately from the ever more upset the Turkish middle class (and parts of that) for the development of the country. Erdogan seems to have decided on a Turkey outside the EU, leading download to country and country M.Antoli milestone for Muslims per the kosmo.Se this logic REQUESTS exchange for Muslims in Greece, aftochrizomenos as international representatives. However, a very large portion of the population in Turkey turns out pustule at the thought of how the country download will end if Erdogan has achieved its objectives. The eternal conflict in East and West m.Asias passes another one stage ...
O Everyone is entitled to have all sorts of ambitions wants. Conducting them though, is a completely download different kefalaio.Se relationship with our country, Erdogan struggles to realize he no longer has "Aces" on the sleeve, in order to be entitled to claim. Most of them lost on account of ichora on 6/7 September 1955 and the other in 1964 with the forced deportations. On the part of the Turkish population, which as you mentioned "after blistering" numerically significant but still a minority expressed by the secular party CHP Kilitsntaroglou.Sto the near future is not seen no significant shift in the preferences of the electorate, download though Erdogan has certainly damaged by the management of the park Geza uprisings, and the gradual revelation of his Islamic agenda.
That the objectives of the Sultans download have away from reality, the only sigouro.Allos One reason that secular Turkey of the mazemena.Oso have for this section, I note that it may be a minority as regards the total population, the beach M . Asia, Pontus and Kon / city, it pleiopsifiko.Den is no coincidence that these places protastatisan the events of the summer against the Sultan download Ernto. What happens is a growing bifurcation of t

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