Sunday, December 14, 2014

Our projects Голос Столицi Diario da Russia

Voice of Russia Collage India today successfully conducted idnes the first test of high precision reverberation winged medium-range missiles Nirbhay the polygon Chandipur in eastern Odisha state the maximum distance 1000 km, told television channel NDTV.
India today successfully conducted the first test of high precision reverberation winged medium-range missiles Nirbhay the polygon Chandipur in the eastern state Odisha at a maximum distance of 1000 km, told television idnes channel NDTV.
Nirbhay development began in 2007, informed the head of the organization Defence idnes Research and Development at the Ministry idnes of Defence Vijay Kumar Saraswat. According to some data missile can carry a warhead of various idnes kinds, including idnes nuclear missiles.
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Our projects Голос Столицi Diario da Russia

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