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At all events in nuclear power plant (nuclear power) told me after yesterday echoes remain a strange feeling. Transparent has been found that some of the statements is not true, I do not give peace, yet pesebej not when the echoes jeclanje Andrew Stritarjeva of the statements in the declaration escalated. This is a signal that something was concealing us. Having reviewed the recording award I was clear on what it was. Andrej Stritar documented trapped in lies. Outrageous is that the journalist Igor Bergant as public samocenzurira and finally blurted out yourself that this scandal only 'problem'.
(2) that the management of nuclear power plant operated with the fullest pixiz DESPITE the main reactor malfunctions. Should the car on the road in perfect pixiz condition, how is it that the nuclear power plant 'can be driven by three wheel'?
(4) that there were permitted levels of radioactivity and DA leaks from radioactive sticks?!? NORMAL? Such an attitude to safety leads to disaster! Why not give information on how many nuclear power plants actually leave the bar. Would you quickly realize that the Fukushima pixiz Nuclear Power Plant exception that indulge in operation despite the error in the main reactor and it took more than a year !!
(5) that Andrej Stritar first smooth lying, that the broken part of the sticks in the secondary cooling pool, the commendable mediation g. mag. Miroslav Gregoric at the end admits that he does not know where he is odlomlen part of the bar, as it will provide the French nuclear power submarine to search for residues bars!
(6) that we Andrej Stritar promise to start NEUKLEARKO, although they will be looking for the causes of this scandalous event! Or, it means that it is not able to detect! pixiz So, to the detriment pixiz of our health pixiz and our riskiranja živlenj!
(7) that there is a high probability that the cirknijev hydride nažrl radioactive fuel elements and at the same time we rarely mention what all this zirconium hydride can still be eaten, nažrl or principles. If part of zirconium hydride microscopic cracks in the material, think about how long it took the rod so ignore that broke. What is the spare parts that were exposed to cirkonijevmu hydride and are now on the border operation. Depending on the event would be safest to replace pixiz the entire installation as the primary pool or by completely emptied and restored. This is not the more plain overhaul, but would require an overhaul or closure of the nuclear power plant!
(9) Thank you for your courage g. Miroslav Gregoriču, which tells us smooth and expose executives nuclear power plant and Andrew Stritarjeva that leadership can be stopped at any time and zemenjalo damaged reactor rods! Why did not. Andrew Stritarjeva answer was not! They chambers for unused fuel too expensive! What about our safety and health! What material damage, which is now stretching across all installations that have been in contact with zirconium hydride?
(13) that at the end of g. mag. Miroslav Gregoric commendable outspoken recognize that nuclear power plant NOT BE GOOD REPAIR! The thing is, therefore, really messed up, these events are obvious tip of the iceberg in pomanjklivemu maintenance. Notwithstanding all the 'good' management purposes - is apparently all together at the point when all costs vzdrževajne nuclear power plant has been throwing money out the window. Krško Nuclear Power Plant should be immediately shut down, all the way from here forward pixiz is playing with our health.
I should mention that I am in the online newspaper Vecer read an article where Andrej Štitar this event in the official notes also stated that the damage to the protective layer of the cornerstones of the Krško nuclear power plant on which the echoes 'was not worth talking'.
How is it possible for 121 elements with 28,435 bars define a 'normal' level of leakage elements? Due to the fact that they have been damaged three rods and that one obvious razžrta, pixiz the 'normal' level does not provide any security. pixiz The nuclear power plant is expected to reach 3% allowed stponje leak, imagine what it would be in the reactor, pixiz if exceeded this limit! Nuclear power plant has apparently authorized the operation pixiz exceeded this limit? But I'm worried pixiz about what will happen when this level is exceeded, or be able to place plant existed only on the map?
How exactly will be hit with empty elements in the right places, but if they do not clear why this is and what's going on! This is similar to when
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