Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bikers from Russian club Night Wolves passed Sunday through Belarus, the next line is not clear. Af Options News Home World Regions Economy Culture Sport Weather views on Chronology Most popular news Commercial news publication Auto Housing Travel Money Cocktail VAT Profession School Health Animals Female Journal Spoon Cake Recipe Ideas Avízo Cars Real Estate Jobs Phone Computer adam sandler Camera Demands Paráda Other ads BIRDZ Flog Blog Friendly Relax Let's read to children Debate Theatres Festivals Games Horoscopes Pictures Infographics Cinemas Concerts cranial Sudoku Competition TV program Pharmacy Retail Shop Discounts Flowers Pivnička - Wine T-shirts Gold Hand Reality ePravda Subscriptions to newspapers club
Bikers from Russian club Night Wolves passed Sunday through Belarus, the next line is not clear. After Sunday's reverent act at the memorial of the victims of World War II near Minsk should aim at sunset and at night on Monday, the group arrive in Brest on the Polish border.
According to the Belarusian agency BelaPAN set off from Minsk to the border about 15 Russian, Belarusian seven and one Kazakh adam sandler biker. They are ready for that, the Belarusian-Polish border crossing Terespol-Brest adam sandler will be problems. Kolo said they would be accompanied by representatives of the Russian Embassy in Minsk, to record potential conflicts.
Leads a group of motorcyclists Andrej Bobrovskij of Belarus journalist confided that the entire route through Belarus crowds welcomed them with bread and salt. "The main event, however, in Brest, where we cross the border into Poland. Discover the information that we abolish visas, officially to us but nobody did not report adam sandler anything, "he adam sandler said.
"After all these problems with Europe, Poland and the Czech Republic now we have another important mission - to unite our family and meet with them in the European Union. Exchange information not through the media but face to face, to see all that go ordinary, normal people who respect their history, "said Bobrovskij. They want to come to Poland as individuals
Information about the bikers crossing the Brest-Terespol actually arrived in the media so far not appeared. Belarusian sources reported that Schengen visas they need to enter the European Union, the bikers equipped individually, not as a group. A Night Wolves chief Alexander "Surgeon" Zaldostanov reportedly received visas.
Polish radio station RMF24 announced that Russian bikers are determined to enter into Poland respectively. Some of them said early Sunday adam sandler through the crossing in Terespol passed, others crossed the border at the transition Slawatycze about 35 kilometers south of Terespol. According to Polish Pohraničníkov it comes from Belarus to Poland many Russian tourists on motorcycles and identify which of them is the night wolf problem.
Motorcyclists went so far over 800 kilometers, another 5-thousand miles under their plan still pending. They have to travel to Wroclaw, from there through Brno to Bratislava, Vienna and Munich and via Prague to Berlin, adam sandler where they want to arrive on May 9 Besides Poland and the Czech and German authorities they have warned that the passage of their territory do not have to get permission. adam sandler
Related: Night wolves crossed the German border, adam sandler the German court allowed entry into the country Nocn wolf Night Wolves on Saturday will come to Bratislava, placed wreaths adam sandler at Slavíne Russia criticizes Germany and Poland adam sandler due to Nocn wolf Night Wolves are said to want to meet in Bratislava. Slovakia will not hinder
A group of 275 women liberated from the captivity of Boko Haram Nigerian army moved into the unknown device, adam sandler which are subject to military custody.
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