Monday, March 3, 2014

The man has no hands, no legs his wife. And yet they are happily married .. (lo) http://hibapress.c

The man has no hands, no legs his wife. And yet they are happily married .. (lo) -hiba/irn2.jpg http://hibapress .com/image-hiba/irn8.jpg
21-11-2009, 15:46
WIP, I just do not know what to say .. hayretler icindeyim Yatip kalkip Allaha sukur etmemiz Lazim. Ellerimiz ayaklarimiz sapasaglam Halde, ve biz is yapmaya gelince bin tane cowardly sayiyoruz annemize, babamiza kindle .. And look what a person does not complete his limbs, all do not do ..
Respect! Bencede ..!
Really respect them, now bunu yapacak fazla insan Kalmadi ..! Genede allahim kindle kimsenin Basina vermesin hear boyle seyleri it is difficult .. Bunlar bu Halde bile bukadar Mutlu, normal insanlar kucuk birseyden hemen Sorun yasatiyorlar .. millet haline sukur etsiin!
Go ahead though .. I actually had similar thinking to the fact that those two would not have been if they did not sit. Together in the same situation So, for example, that the boy would be normal and then would not even look like that girl somewhere. Something kind of love out of necessity. Do not know if that's relevant to this koppeltje but it was just the first thing that occurred to me in.
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