Sunday, June 8, 2014

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Laugh Video: Bashar al-Assad in elections
When flying "Dosem" banner vulgarity for good Omaqran
Abdullah said Boano Chairman of the Group of Deputies bankia for the Justice and Development Party in his speech on the occasion of the passage of a convoy lamp on the west side Acharadh built the best, in the presence of Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, the cream Gulab did not understand the lessons after Guenha him to the AKP.
Against the backdrop of Gulab say, that the position of Speaker of Parliament is above all, and he is chairman of all, Boano responded, bankia saying: We remind you Sbata elections, bankia while remained seated in the car to the limits at four o'clock in the morning, before returning Adpark loser.
We hope everyone respect bankia the views of others and to participate objectively comment published after approval by the administration bankia and are often needed to hour thank for your understanding also prevents Knabh Arabic letters foreign bankia language Mattel word (salam) all messages published do not reflect the opinion of the site, but the view the owners do not Site assumes any legal liability by
10 free citizen Mar 30-2014 bankia 00:38 God who is sole Ahacm snitch face guided not suffice Atdikum bankia Shi Alchwerh hypocrites in the word covenant is not Guy Dqto cake and Ncio Testament bankia and daughters of God Eachd us our right, and I said Adkirk including the right to Almighty .. hypocrites in nadir of Fire
8 citizen of Aldoagr not born uncle Idriss Zeyeaao also nicknamed. Mar 29-2014 22:16 Born Mami Maskhash Holy God who is sole Ahacm. Almarjoa cancel the second chamber of Parliament. And reduce bankia the number of parliamentarians in the first room.
5 Figuig 108 Mar 29-2014 20:47 in hedgehogs is not smooth
2 Vrato Rosanna Mar 29-2014 18:39 Ellis served to you from the attack bankia and counter-attack. Waiting for the achievements of the people and not bearing down ** ** as women do in the bathroom. Altercations are creating marginal Tlhon by the people. February bankia with her and her son Kieran bankia Bakali with Wafa Here Boano with Gulab and her son Shamash with Benkirane and Choubani Radi here with Raso ** ** means alone cursing and screaming. Avtata here with Alkihl .. you did not Tantkhbwa for Hedda, but promises to Execution.
In front Qdaba community special reports Biography Stories of the Prophets religious affairs Abdullah daytime Tagafh arts opinions and attitudes about the world the voice and image of important news in Rehab preacher snapshot today comics today to continue bankia with the site Disclaimer Advertise with us Visit us on Facebook Nutrition Action Team for publication on the site of our partners All rights reserved. Bryce gift for site 2014-2008 Powered by hibapress bankia

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