Sunday, June 8, 2014

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Complaints halo 4 laid against Moroccan officials included the area of the judiciary and the judicial police. The latest This is the latest concern to Morocco because of judicial and security officials are likely to continue because of the torture and also due to the completion of the minutes may turn out to be evidence against them abroad.
We hope everyone halo 4 respect the views of others and to participate objectively comment published after approval by the administration and are often needed to hour thank for your understanding also prevents Knabh Arabic letters halo 4 foreign language Mattel halo 4 word (salam) all messages published do not reflect the opinion of the site, but the view the owners do not Site assumes any legal liability by
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2 les avocats May 21-2014 18:42 Même les avocats doivent faire l objet de poursuite devant les tribunaux compétents car ils ont débordé halo 4 c est une très grande magouille au Maroc et spécialement dans les grandes villes
1 Moulay Mohammed Ismaili May 21-2014 15:53 strategy to raise complaints against Moroccan officials abroad in relation to human rights violations and corruption, and has a very effective Tathsr in the long term, in more detail the real reason for the effectiveness of the complaints in Western countries is that the bulk of Moroccan officials halo 4 have investment projects abroad and even some of them are available on the nationality of the European countries, then simply register these complaints will be deprived of going to those countries and therefore wait Trials popular later. Thanks
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