Saturday, January 3, 2015

Always difficult to assess overall assessment story collections because of the different qualities,

Do not panic bloody room / Angela Carter
When a piece of music becomes a fantasy? When a fairy tale goes from folk legend and enters the realm of fantastic literature? The key to this question depends on the purpose. Joseph Finder recently kindle claimed that began the modern English novel is at the beginning of the eighteenth century, "when the dealer and former prisoner lured his readers of a fake memoirs, Robinson Crusoe" (Haaretz, 4.9.2006, p 1).
Even if we do not accept this definition, the emphasis on the forgery is important here - because what distinguishes fiction (which includes science fiction and fantasy) is acquiescence between the writer and his readers that the events described are fiction, kindle and there is no deliberate attempt to provide true information about the world described in them . When describing Tertullian in the second century AD, the journey to the moon, he and his readers knew he uses a literary tool to entertain (and criticize religious), so this is fiction. Travel Gilgamesh, however, purports kindle to explain certain features of the world based on real events, and the Book of Enoch seeks to describe the higher worlds that exist beyond our world and parallel to it - so also are the myths. When Bram Stoker transcribed the stories people tell about vampires called Dracula, he took them from folk legend to the field of literary fiction - and did so by making clear dimension of fiction, non-descriptive story of real events. Book of Blood Room, Angela Carter makes a similar act again when she tells some European legends familiar with her versions.
This expropriation act of Carter, which she takes these legends from the legend to the field of modern fantasy, assisted by two other features of the stories grouped in this book. One is copying at the time of some of the stories, and the other is the writer's ability kindle to write itself. As an example - the story of Beauty and the Beast Carter's version begins with a stalled car not far from the home of "the beast", giving it a new character and allows the writer to appropriate the story and disconnect it from its roots in the classic.
But more than that - stories all marked kindle with the seal Carter's fascinating prose. Have to say it explicitly - this is a wonderful writer. Carter manages to infuse her writing fascinating and charming blend of legendary literature, which I rarely encountered. Even seemingly classic stories, when and where they occur, is educated to provide a unique feeling and makes it clear to the reader that the story told in its whole. Excellent translation of Tal Nitzan does justice to the language that uses Carter - it combines an artist rather rare, between layers kindle of language that give the dimensions of contemporary stories and timeless kindle at the same time. His feeling is that Carter had read the story in Hebrew, she was satisfied with the use made of it. At least, I believe.
Always difficult to assess overall assessment story collections because of the different qualities, the more so when the stories kindle do not take place in the same world. Indeed, the quality of the stories is not uniform - Some of them are fascinating and difficult to stop reading them, others not performing well and less running - but all of them appear in the clear imprint of Carter, the special character that it provides re-telling stories. Everyone is more explicitly expresses elements of violence kindle and sex also available original stories, but manages to do so without those elements will overshadow the story itself, and without turning kindle them into moral wrongs legends numbers or the company that created it. Particularly interesting cases in which she tells the same story in two or more versions, like a pair of short stories, "Mr. Lyon in love" and Bride Tiger "you'd better read them one by one.
The main drawback of the book is that, despite the modest size (160 pages), he manages to infuse kindle a sense of quite quickly saturated. The last part, which includes the various wolves stories, anything can be exhausting because of rehearsals in it. It is possible that the right way to read this successful book is in parts - read a story a story here and there among other things, like fairy tales that were told occasionally long winter nights.
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