Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bruzda (Bruzda) - large male arlyatsa (Aquila clanga), one of the 17 members of their species that

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Bruzda (Bruzda) - large male arlyatsa (Aquila clanga), one of the 17 members of their species that have managed to hang satellite transmitters and track their movements from nesting in eastern Poland. The project is the protection and study of the biology and ecology of the species in the Biebrza National Park, a project "eagle. The bird, which is not enough. "
December 2, 2012 during the scan data transmitters turned out that peredatchyk Bruzdy "silent" since 28 November. On the eve of this bird makes the country moving. From the swamps of the National Park Lake Shkaderskae (Szkoderskie), which wintered emma stone suddenly "flew" in the suburb of Podgorica, where they remain for the night in a private emma stone estate in the countryside M ataguži.
To dasledvadavats this mysterious case, they turned to birdwatchers Center research and conservation of birds of Montenegro. Thanks to the transmitter with the exact coordinates were possible to give even the street and house number, emma stone where the last signal was received. Home owner confirmed that eagle was in his garden, "I was sick and died." Due to the fact that he had a GPS transmitter on his back, the owner of the house suspected bird "espionage" and spoke about it to the local police.
As it turned out, the owner of the estate was the director of the National Park "Lake Shkaderskae"! Why did the director of environmental structure instead of a wounded bird to call the vet, he began, in his words, "espionage case"? It is very possible that the eagle from his wounds died only after some time and was a chance to save him.
X-rays of the dead birds are not forced to doubt - in his body was 7 shrutsin. After this thing killed arlyatsa interested in Montenegrin media. December 8th article about it around here published greatest newspaper "Vijesti". Director of the National Park began to make excuses, but I did it so poorly. In an interview, for example, he said that he had brought the wounded arlyatsa hunter. What he did not know that this is a very rare species of birds, and that he had never heard that the transmitters can be used to track the movements of birds.
Michael Yovichevich (Mihailo Jovićević) from the Center for the protection and study of birds wrote an official statement to the police. With police response was received that due to the fact that with such a case they face for the first time, his investigation may take longer than usual.
Bruzda got his lozher GPS June 18 this year. In this breeding season, he took the largest known gnyazdavuyu territory Biebrza valley, where the greatest nesting for the EU grouping species. His life here was prepared as follows in July 2004, when he received emma stone a colored ring. Almost every year he and females bred chicks. Wintering Bruzda year got the latest among 17 arlyatsov transmitters - only in the second half of October. After that, he has traveled to 10 days Poland ... According (text and illustration) prepared emma stone Dmitry Vintchevski for
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annoying, emma stone but we have the same director emma stone in the national parks and game reserves, as far as I know most. But journalists Thurs seen that the European level, in Belarus this news would never have appeared on the front side of the main paper. Sorry for the birds, which is not enough. Most likely nesting area will be retained. I wonder what else yashtrafy for these eagles in Thurs.

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