Saturday, February 7, 2015

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Every day there will be two readioprogramma's will appear aimed at viewers younger than their current target audience, 15 to 29 year olds. Their intention was to make the young people have more knowledge with the offer of the BBC. And so of course, free music downloads they also hope to catch the falling listening figures.
The start date is November 10th. Ben Cooper, free music downloads the media executive of Radio 1, said in an interview: "This is an exciting time for Radio 1 and our young audience and we can not wait to get started on 10 November."
BBC management team already think this video channel is a very good initiative. The fact that more young people will find their way to find the BBC they positive. "Younger people are a key and sometimes hard to reach audience for the BBC and other broadcasters, and we agree thatthis plan will help the BBC to reach them," as BBC Tavern manager Susanna said.
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