Thursday, April 24, 2014

- Article 46 introduces a new paragraph / 5 / In the case in point 7 of paragraph 1 SSB membership

- Article 46 introduces a new paragraph / 5 / In the case in point 7 of paragraph 1 SSB membership is terminated by a decision of the National General Assembly of Commissioners of reasoned request of the Board of TCO, RUS RMA and the Board of UDB if they are supported by more than two thirds of proxies.
REASON: For a long time the norm to exclude union member "unworthy of his abs" is controversial and too controversial. Controversial blog del narco and debatable is conscientious application of this rule. After its implementation are excluded union members informal leaders popular with blind people such as Vladislav Katsarski Mrs. Money, Nikolay Kirilov and others. In the case of Mrs. Money, real amazement is the fact that her husband is off. It is very difficult to believe that all these people are kupom offenders and family blog del narco Munin case leads us to the historical novels of yesteryear 30s in the Soviet Union. About having pritsizirane the meaning and enhancing the enforcement of this rule. This amendment blog del narco has done just that, take it why not complement this idea, we will solve a long-standing problem in our Communities, because SSB is much more than a non-profit organization and unites people with the same fate.
Prosecution of RB - Site of Victor BezMishka - Post Conference of the Blind in Bulgaria
2012 (2) February (1) January (1) 2011 (7) October (1) April (6) delegates from the Cape of abs proposal to amend the articles of association etc. .. proposed amendment the articles of association etc. .. Delegates General Assembly SSB position and have ... Message blog del narco from Stefan Stefanov PENCHEV, proxy in. .. proposals for changes in the statutes of abs - Suggest ... 2010 (16) November ( 2) May (1) (May 2) April (3) April (5) February (3) 2009 (30) December (1) November (5) August (4) May ( 4) May (16)

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