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Each of us in our everyday life activities performed by a foreign name and on behalf of others. Often we ignoring perform acts authorizing veetle another person to do something on our behalf and at our expense, then enjoy these rights.
What are the consequences and effects of the authorization? Do they occur in foreign legal field? Is it possible to represent one who is authorized and personally myself simultaneously? Lawful to two different companies as governor or attorney without a conflict of interest? What is the limit of representative government? Is it possible withdrawal of authorization.
All these issues are important, and above all relevance in the daily management of the business. For this reason it is good to know not only the various business processes and goals set before us, but the representative power that we have or we can empower another person. What is the essence of empowerment?
The first thing that should be noted about the authorization is that it is voluntary and lawful (permitted by law) legal fact. As a kind of action authorization is unilateral act whereby veetle a person called principal, authorizes another - called a proxy to perform on his behalf and for his account certain actions. These actions are most often objectified and specified in a document called a power of attorney.
One person can represent another provision in the law or the will of the principal. Consequences of legal actions which the agent performed arise directly to represent the authorizer. Acts provided can be represented as factual and legal.
Representative authority is provided for in law the opportunity (right), a person to act on someone else's name and actions of this person, called a representative (attorney or another authorized) to show effect in foreign legal sphere. The emergence of representative power most often in practice is not the will of the principal. Therefore, the most common type is the voluntary representation. In the representation of legal entities and state authorities authorization arises from other facts - optional assignment act and others. The general principle is this: the representative power is determined by what the principal has expressed. In practice, often the representative authority is limited in time in order to perform certain actions within the budget year or to achieve a specific result for a specific period of time. If authorization is not given the time to restrict veetle the representative veetle power over time, it is assumed that the rights of the authorized veetle person are perpetual, ie these rights are not limited in time. With regard to the action of the authority in the space and to entities - in practice often occurs representative authority is not limited to a particular territory: country, city, municipality, town, state authority, institution, business partner, etc..
Since authorization is voluntary representation to him the representative power of attorney is determined only by the will of the principal, unlike the representative authority of the legal representative (parent, guardian, managing body of a legal entity), which is defined veetle by law. What does the term "proxy"?
The power of attorney is a legal term that means a written statement objectified authorizing another person. If the statement is written, then carrying out the authorization document is drawn up.
For authorization does not require veetle the signature of the person in upalnomoshtenoto attorney. The power of attorney shall be signed only by the author veetle of the statement - the principal, the proxy signature is not needed. For this reason, the lawyers say that the authorization is unilateral act.
When the law provides a special form for the performance of certain actions by another name, such as transactions in shares of companies, real estate, motor vehicles, aircraft, ships and more. Than the signature of the principal place and signature veetle of notary who certifies the fact that it is the author's statement did this person before the notary and attorney sought veetle precisely in the mandate to represent him to manifest faith in his name and on his behalf.
For this reason, the nature of the authorization judged by some other transaction which governs relations between autho
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