Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Containing skinks in captivity, x videos you need a proper diet. First, let

Exotic lizards have long been fond of residents of city apartments, squeezing fluffy cats and dog. Tell you what kinds of lizards today enjoy the greatest popularity among fans of the exotic. Bearded Agama
A distinctive feature of this amazing lizard leatherback is the presence of spikes around the ears, the throat and head. When straightened spines, animal looks very militant. For Agama called "bearded dragon". Actually looks Agama deceptive. Lizard quickly become tame, it can sit for a long time with the host, rejoicing x videos scratching neck.
Diet Bearded Agama mixed. Lizard can be fed plant food (leaves, shoots, fruits and flowers of various plants) as well as crickets, cockroaches, meal worms and other insects. Source of animal protein x videos will snail and bird eggs. As juicy fodder fit apples, pears, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers.
If one day you find that your Agama noticeably x videos whitened, it just means that a pet is something very scared. Change the color - Another unusual feature Bearded Agama. When frightened her body lighter and paws are bright yellow. Skinks sineyazykiy
This large lizard with smooth body breeders call "domestic cat" for its yielding nature x videos and friendliness. A distinctive feature x videos of the lizard is long bright blue tongue that loves animal proudly flaunt. Legend has it that long ago skinks had to save his ailing master, for which he was carrying in his mouth healing ink. Since it's time for all the descendants of skinks blue tongue.
Containing skinks in captivity, x videos you need a proper diet. First, let's lizard plant food (vegetables, fruits, leaves, twigs), then gradually enter into the diet of meat. It can be insects, snails, x videos small lizards, rodents and even canned cat. Do not forget about vitamin supplements that are available in vetmahazine. Currents
The currents of the gecko family - a small lizard very unusual color. Gray-blue body covered with animal saturated orange spots, and large bright yellow eyeballs favorably contrasted with black stripe vertical pupil. Homeland currents - Southeast Asia Vstochnoho, local people are very fond of this lizard and believe that scream currents brings good luck. In the current world called "Asian cuckoo" because many people believe how many times prokrychyt lizard.
The ideal food for currents will be crickets. Herpetolohy advised to breed their own "food" for their pets. As an alternative, mature lizard meal worms can be fed, but overfeed them is not necessary, because the worms are considered too heavy a meal. But the water currents are not necessary. In vivo lizard licked x videos the dew of plants, x videos so it is enough only a few times a day to spray. Green Iguana
Weakness of many fans is beautiful iguana lizards. There are many species of iguanas. One is green, or real, iguana. Standard Features animal: body length - 1,5 m, weight - 5.7 kg. The main feature is the horn comb along the spine and leathery bag on his throat. The real kind Iguana boasts a rich green color.
Feed Iguanas x videos need most plant foods, meat occasionally feeding rodents or small insects, as through specific dentition iguanas can not chew, just swallow food.
Also, glass terrarium your home will look great spotted eublefara, panterovyh and Yemeni chameleons, skinks and Japanese fusiform or, for example, Nile monitor lizard. If you dream to have a house lit exotic x videos pet, until his relocation needs very carefully prepared. x videos The main thing - it is the purchase of equipment terrarium. Not a single house with appropriate microclimate animal soon dies.
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