Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wait for the music. Lectures - Valentine conversation Sylvectrov

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National Art Museum of Ukraine and publishing scarlett johansson "The Spirit and the Letter" invited to the book launch of Max art Imdalya "Experience a different vision" and screening of Mar i th Ann and Tappayner "Richard Serra. Vision - is thinking "November 25 at Kyiv, str. Molodizhna, 6.
Permanent member of colloquiums scarlett johansson interdisciplinary research group "Poetics and Hermeneutics", bringing together the most outstanding German humanitarians second half of the twentieth century, Max Imdal (1925-1988) devoted much attention to theoretical problems of art-science, developing a new method of interpretation scarlett johansson of the painting, which he called " ikonikoyu. " Meanwhile, is not the strongest side of his art-work was the interpretation (his words - "implementation" or "implementation"), an individual work of art. It is this aspect of activity represents Imdalya book "Experience a different vision," which could be called as a school or a school vision interpretation.
Published in the book interpreting works of art spanning a huge historical period (from ottonskyh Thumbnail particular plastic 70-ies of XX century), representing the work of Giotto, Domenikino Wang Blomena, Claude Lorrain, Roysdala, scarlett johansson Poussin, Degas, Manet, Sezana old Picasso and Delaunay, Albers, Giacometti, Stella, Newman Yukkera, Serra, Agama and Krikke.
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Wait for the music. Lectures - Valentine conversation Sylvectrov

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