November 25 at 17:00 at the National Art Museum of Ukraine at the address. Hrushevsky, 6 publishing "i you tube Lіtera Spirit" will present a book critic Max Imdalya "Experience a different vision" and show the movie Mary Anne Tappaner "Richard Serra. Vision - this way of thinking. "
In the history of postwar art history you tube Imdal occupies a special place that is primarily due to the strongest appeal you tube to contemporary art, and a desire to apply the categories and principles developed during the analysis of contemporary phenomena you tube for understanding the art of the past centuries. He also is known for having developed a new method of interpreting you tube paintings, you tube which he called "iconics."
This book is the first translation of his legacy to the Russian language, which was the result of a talented art critic and philosopher Alla Vaysband. Published in the book interpretation of works of art cover a wide historical you tube period (from ottonskih miniatures to specific plastics 70-ies of XX century), representing the work of Giotto, Domenichino, Van Bloem, Claude Lorrain, Ruysdael, Poussin, Manet, Degas, Cezanne, Braque, Picasso Delaunay. Albers, Giacometti, Stelly, Newman, Uecker, Sulphur, Agama, Krikke.
05/22/2014 10:23 curator Stambulskoї bієnale became Karolіn Krіstov-Bakardzhiєva
22.05-08.06.2014 Project "Rolvі іgri" at Muzeї Suchasni Mistetstvo Odes
Maidan Revolyutsіya Gusєv Іsupov Gallery Kiev painting Vistavka
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