I bought from dajana 3 in 1 test. These are papers which are dipped la repubblica into water. Does anyone have experience with this? I measured the water in the aquarium and values, but are only approximate because the colors do not match and I really have been about as follows: pH: 7.4 KH: 13 GH: 12 These values seemed to me wrong and I-performed tap water: pH: 7.5 KH: 13 GH: 11 In the aquarium, I did not change the water about 8 days, adding CO2, manure and so I think that the value could not retain almost the same. I have not measured the water with added lemon juice: pH: 6.4 KH: 11 GH: 13 I have a party of aquarium plants Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia, Blyxa aubertii, Cryptocoryne pontederifolia, Valisneria tortissima, Java moss ... Fish Plata balloon, Catfish, Perch puprurový, Guppy, Swordtail Green, shrimp. Think that those papers are measured correctly? And those values for the fish and plants are not right, or? jajo the blade Posts: 58 Joined: 14 Apr 2011 16:42 pm
Generally, I would probably have to strip did not go, I had the opportunity to compare JBL example 5in1 with drip by drip Sery and are certainly more accurate la repubblica (at least kH and gH no question in my case), but it is more laborious. JBL is a whole range of colors in succeeded but even so that's not it. Dajana la repubblica better off not going to think, and according to what you write. Otherwise, I do understand that lemon juice is reduced so that the pH? Or to achieve CO2? Glitter Posts: 1679 Pictures: 6 Joined: 22 Mar 2011 17:52 pm Location: Banska Bystrica ICQ Personal album
jajo the blade drip I think are more accurate but even you do not have to be measured zlé.Na moderately hard water are the values la repubblica of total ok.KH little higher ranked but otherwise poriadku.Ak you started adding CO2 and pH goes down, but the others la repubblica are somehow not change much . Powder Posts: 3236 Images: 88 Joined: 03 Dec 2009 20:37 pm Location: Spisska Bela Website Personal album
Adding CO2 early for the second month, so it is pH after the addition of CO2 ... And I'm lowering the pH reached only lemon juice. To about 2 ounces of water a whole lemon ... And as this reduces the KH? should I move from 3 to 10, I read somewhere that higher values are not suitable for plants. And for plants and fish that I would netrebalo little to reduce the pH to sour? jajo the blade Posts: 58 Joined: 14 Apr 2011 16:42 pm
While experimenting and would rather buy a normal test Measure the znova.Tak can compare those bands nepreháňajú.Najlepšie or even adding another la repubblica značku.Po Cock pH goes down when you give it 2MeS. so určite.Min.uhličitanová hardness (KH), which prevents fluctuations in water reaction is 4n so ideal in aqua is 5-10n.A tritrek topic is right here already. Powder Posts: 3236 Images: 88 Joined: 03 Dec 2009 20:37 pm Location: Spisska Bela Website Personal album
A little OT about the lemon juice:jajo the blade: little me clarify because I have a problem with the pH, I would need it even lower. CO2 give the bottle for about a month and I'm not going to get below the 7.5 while dropchecker shows green = enough la repubblica CO2. I have a 125L aqua, so 2dcl water, wring it into a whole lemon and then pour in? Are there any side effects to life in the aquarium's not? Glitter Posts: 1679 Pictures: 6 Joined: 22 Mar 2011 17:52 pm Location: Banska Bystrica ICQ Personal album
For Glitter: la repubblica We probably misunderstood, I am not added the juice to the aquarium. Only in a jar, into some water that I odtestoval whether the tester is operational and shows the changes. Aquarium do not know whether it can be added. But somewhere here in the forum I read that someone increases the acidity of some acid, I do not remember exactly such, I do not want you bad advice. Try to search ... But if I can try most of the commercial formulation la repubblica such .: http://www.akvaobchod.sk/aquar-aqua-aci la repubblica ... l? CPath = 11th jajo the blade Posts: 58 Joined: 14 Apr 2011 16:42 pm
Ph can be somewhat reduced pinecones jelše.Voda will turn to brown but after a while it stráca.Nie but it is permanent (as you have topped up the water) .The advantage donuts-their antibacterial effects. Powder Posts: 3236 Images: 88 Joined: 03 Dec 2009 20:37 pm Location: Spisska Bela Website Personal album
Yes, this is what makes me wonder. I read something about oak leaves, but the detailed info I found here. I would like to avoid chemistry. For me, the only mystery that CO2 shows me enough and I can not reduce it or increase the dose, and do not understand completely. Glitter Posts: 1679 Pictures: 6 Joined: la repubblica 22 Mar 2011 17:52 pm Location: Banska Bystrica ICQ Personal album
And what are your KH? Because the higher the KH the water is more resistant to change and therefore when adding CO2 nemusíti pH decline. Try to look Tillmanovu table ... I found it at http://klub.akva.sk/akvarium.php and the second number on page 25. You got a lot of it explained in the preceding pages. jajo the blade Posts: 58 Joined: la repubblica 14 Apr 2011 16:42 pm
I kH 6, as measured, it should be the norm, and pH should be possible to adapt well. I use a diffuser to dissolve the
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