Tuesday, April 7, 2015

It is important to note that the Communist revolution took place in Russia in 1917, and the result

The Frankfurt School was perhaps radar online not the largest of the buildings, and most people may have never heard of it. Many people did not know that the residents of the building's radar online intentions were, but that out of that building would come have a big impact on the way we live and how our society and culture has drastically decreased.
The decline of the society appears to have started in the 1960s, but it has a lot sooner than it started. We must go back to the First World War, the source of the problem that our society has infected to understand how and why. Many people radar online have written about the origin of cultural Marxism, and most of them did it perfectly explains that the roots of the current disease is the reason radar online why Western culture is waning. radar online So for anyone who is aware of the birthplace of Cultural Marxism radar online is this not news. To have more people who write about it and talk is very important to spread awareness and to send the message. Everyone should radar online be able to understand radar online what happened to lead us to the unrecognized Western world we live in today.
On the eve of the First World War from 1914, the leaders of Communists believed that broke out in the event of a war, the working people will rise up and their class consciousness will discover, and will turn away from their respective countries, at favor of a communist revolution. This, as we all know it does not happen. The men of the various nations radar online that took part, joined in millions to fight for their beloved nations. They counted the highest price in millions of lives for the love and loyalty radar online to their respective countries. radar online
It was clearly a slap in the face of the Communists that the prediction was proved false. The cold hard reality that they faced was that their rhetoric radar online and ideological revolution will happen as they wanted it.
It is important to note that the Communist revolution took place in Russia in 1917, and the result of the violent revolution led to the massacre of 30 + million people, including the Russian tsar and his family. Communists have a revolution try to create the WW1 (WWI) in Germany but was quickly repulsed by German soldiers who returned from the front lines. In the aftermath of WW1 Communism briefly a grip on Hungary during 1918-1919 radar online when the Bolshevik Bela Kun regime took power.
With the widespread failure of the Communist revolution in the rest of Europe, some communists tried to understand why. Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs has established a definite reason. Western culture and Christianity are the reasons why the workers have rejected Communism. The workers did not rebel because radar online their 'true' Marxist class interests are blinded "by the foundations of Western society, their love for religion, their sense of patriotism in their countries radar online and their identity. Lukacs asked during 1919, "Who will save us from Western civilization?"
In the same year, when Georg Lukacs Deputy Commissioner of Culture was, in that brief Bolshevik Bela Kun government in Hungary, one of Lukacs's first act to perform sex education in Hungary's public schools. He knew that if he could destroy the Western traditional sexual morality, he was a giant step made in the direction of the destruction of Western culture. The structure of Christian morality and the family, hold that Western culture as glue in a society. (More on that later) radar online
These reasons behind the failure of communism in Europe, was led in 1923 by a group of German Marxists establishment in Frankfurt, which was known as the Institute for Social Research, which later became known simply as the Frankfurt School. It was led by Felix Weil, a political scientist with a passion for Marxism. Weil studied at the university, and to socialize wrote a thesis on the economy. His father (a rich merchant) has funded radar online a significant amount for the institute. The major goal of the Institute was to teach students and explain the dynamics of social radar online change. This school was responsible for the transformation of Marxist thought and the birthplace of cultural Marxism.
The was no traditional Marxism, but an upgraded radar online Marxism who learned from his mistakes, and then used the Western world, Post- World Wars to attack. an ideology to dismantle the individuals and to bring about a mass social change. It is not a natural process, but planned so that people in a particular way to think.
The aim was to Marxism

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